

⭐ Skybase Founder ⭐ Open-source libraries

ohsayan'ın hedefi her hafta $20,00 almak.
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Hey there, I'm Sayan! I'm an open-source evangelist and am committed to open-source in every way I can. For this reason, I have been creating and maintaining Skybase — a free and open-source realtime NoSQL database that intends to be an entirely community powered project, for over 8 months. At the same time, I work on building several other libraries and tools which are used as dependencies by multiple libraries and have thousands of downloads.

But, just like every other open-source developer: I do work on these projects in my personal free time and as a result, the time I spend on these projects is very limited. By donating here — not only will you get some perks, but at the same time you'll help me prioritize this work which will lead to even more improvements to these projects. You'll also help me pay the bills for hosting and other services which are required for building and shipping Skybase (the most resource intensive project that I have worked on so far).

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