Étienne D.
Creator of little things for linux desktops and LaTeX, maintainer of emacs packages and AUR packages
Creator of little things for linux desktops and LaTeX, maintainer of emacs packages and AUR packages.
I've created and continue to work on the following things:
- A wallpaper changer for linux desktop;
- An AUR helper for archlinux;
- A static website generator for org-mode, written in ruby;
- A LaTeX package to draw admonition blocks.
I also maintain these Emacs packages:
- flycheck-grammalecte, to use Grammalecte, a french grammar checker (and thus only usefull for french people);
- dracula-theme, a dark and pink theme.
Finally, I also packages some interesting software for Archlinux.
Bağlantılı Hesaplar
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milouse 8 yıl önce katıldı.
milouse Liberapay aracılığıyla ne kadar aldıklarını açıklamıyor.