
Mathieu Jolly

I am working on the emergence of the Wardley Map community in France

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I am passionate about decision-making, politics and contemporary issues. I use my energy to live in a better world. This has led me to undertake several ventures and recently to embark on a new adventure, that of business strategy.

I am inspired by the most complete model in this field: the Wardley Map. I follow the work of Simon Wardley, and his critical thinking. Very little known in France, his work is nevertheless a rich source of knowledge and experience. It deserves to be translated. Everything is to be done to democratize the use of this tool.

Checkout my work : Mathieu Jolly (linktree)


In the tradition of Simon Wardley's work, I have started consulting and training in business strategy. Everything has to be done.

That's why, in parallel to this new activity, I am working on the development of the French-speaking community.

This work requires time, personal investment, and money to run software programs that I use to make it happen.

Please, consider donating.


[-] Translation (text and figures) of the book Wardley Map by Simon Wardley (Ends 04/09/2023)

[x] Chapter 1

[x] Chapter 2

[x] Chapter 3

[x] Chapter 4

[x] Chapter 5

[x] Chapter 6

[x] Chapter 7

[x] Chapter 8

[x] Chapter 9

[x] Chapter 10

[] Chapter 11

[] Chapter 12

[] Chapter 13

[] Chapter 14

[ ] Chapter 15

[ ] Chapter 16

[ ] Chapter 17

[x] Chapter 18

[x] Chapter 19

[-] Cheat sheet: climatic patterns (EN)

[-] Cheat sheet: doctrines (EN)

[ ] Cheat sheet: gameplays (EN)

[x] Cheat sheet: evolution stages (EN)

[x] Cheat sheet: chow to determine evolution stage (EN)

[x] Cheat sheet: three parties theory (EN)

[-] Cheat sheet: climatic patterns (FR)

[ ] Cheat sheet: doctrines (FR)

[ ] Cheat sheet: gameplays (FR)

[x] Cheat sheet: evolution stages (FR)

[x] Cheat sheet: how to determine evolution stage (FR)

[x] Cheat sheet: three parties theory (FR)

[ ] Enterprise culture test (doctrines) (FR)

[ ] Personality test (Pionier Settler Town Planner) (FR)

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