

Admin of DMV.Community Mastodon instance

jcrabapple'ın hedefi her hafta $50,00 almak.
Bağış yap   Ödeme Kartı Otomatik Ödeme


I'm jcrabapple. I'm the admin of the DC, Maryland, and Virginia regional Mastodon instance, DMV.Community.

The current server costs of around $240/month require that I ask for donations from my community. I love running this server and I couldn't do it without your support, so I appreciate every dollar that you are able to donate to keep this server running! Thank you!

Bağlantılı Hesaplar

jcrabapple diğer platformlarda aşağıdaki hesaplara sahiptir:


jcrabapple 4 hafta önce katıldı.

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