

I'm managing an open source C# library for stock indicators and I could use your support

cheatcountry, her hafta $0,00 tutarında bağışı 0 sponsordan alıyor.
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I'm a C# developer that runs an open source library for technical indicators used in the financial markets. I have over 350 published so far with over 700 planned for the final version. I will keep publishing new indicators as they are released or if I get special requests.

Bağlantılı Hesaplar

cheatcountry diğer platformlarda aşağıdaki hesaplara sahiptir:

Kod depoları

OoplesFinance.StockIndicators Favorilere eklemeler 197 4 ay önce güncellendi

Largest C# stock indicator library with over 750 to choose from and easiest to use with abilities such as making an indicator out of any other indicator or using any moving average with any indicator.


cheatcountry 2 yıl önce katıldı.

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