
Bob Mottram

Making software for decentralized home servers

bashrc, her hafta €0,25 tutarında bağışı 1 sponsordan alıyor.
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Mainly developing LibreServer and Epicyon.

LibreServer: a home server system based on Debian, to run your own internet services

Epicyon: An ActivityPub social network server, with no Javascript and easy to run on single board computers.

Bağlantılı Hesaplar

bashrc diğer platformlarda aşağıdaki hesaplara sahiptir:

Kod depoları

epicyon Favorilere eklemeler 50 Bu hafta güncellendi

ActivityPub server, designed for simplicity and accessibility. Includes calendar, news and sharing economy features to empower your federated community.

LibreServer Favorilere eklemeler 4 Bu hafta güncellendi

Your personal server


bashrc 7 yıl önce katıldı.

Haftalık Gelir (Euro)

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