

i make music, mom says i'm good

amplifi, 0 sponsora sahip.


I produce music and I sing/rap, everything I do is self-taught and very much a DIY feel. I'd appreciate any support here, or even just listen to my music, it means so much if people enjoy what I make. Your money is likely better spent on an open-source or F(L)OSS project, not that i'll turn away donations ;)

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LinkFree Favorilere eklemeler 0 2 yıl önce güncellendi Favorilere eklemeler 0 2 yıl önce güncellendi

my website Favorilere eklemeler 1 3 yıl önce güncellendi

the source for my gemini capsule, it's on gemini space and http(s)

Potato (çatal) Favorilere eklemeler 0 3 yıl önce güncellendi

If you fork this then you can say you forked a potato.


amplifi 2 yıl önce katıldı.

Haftalık Gelir (Euro)

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