

I run

Velveteen, her hafta $3,86 tutarında bağışı 4 sponsordan alıyor. Hedef: $6,00
Bağış yap   Ödeme Kartı Otomatik Ödeme

Açıklama is a chill Akkoma instance for chill people who want to try out the fediverse. The instance and all of its features are provided free of charge to its users.

At the moment the monthly cost for running the instance is:

  • $22/mo for the dedicated server from OVH.
  • $24/an Email address from Porkbun
  • $26.24/an - Domain Name from Porkbun

Hitting the weekly donation goal of $6/wk would cover almost every penny of the fees associated with running the instance and if I exceed the donation goal I will try my best to use as much of it as possible on improving the server infrastructure and stability.

Thanks for reading!

Bağlantılı Hesaplar

Velveteen diğer platformlarda aşağıdaki hesaplara sahiptir:

Sponsorlar   CSV olarak dışa aktar

Velveteen, 1 herkese açık sponsora sahip.



Velveteen 1 yıl önce katıldı.

Haftalık Gelir (ABD Doları)

Haftalık Sponsor Sayısı