

Coding a Discord quote bot, writing fanfic, and administering

Splatsune, her hafta AU$1,76 tutarında bağışı 1 sponsordan alıyor. Hedef: AU$30,00
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I'm the creator of the Sanford bot for Discord, a bot for saving messages as quotes in your server and recalling them later.

I also write fanfic for fun! I write the Begin Again Splatoon fic, Be Kind and Rewind (for A Hat in Time), and Deliverer of Destiny (Zelda: BoTW). All of these can be found on Archive Of Our Own.

Donations will go toward running the Firefish server, Mastodon and third-party Archipelago randomizer instance for The General Chat community.

Bağlantılı Hesaplar

Splatsune diğer platformlarda aşağıdaki hesaplara sahiptir:

Kod depoları

writing Favorilere eklemeler 1 1 hafta önce güncellendi

sanford Favorilere eklemeler 0 1 yıl önce güncellendi


Splatsune 6 ay önce katıldı.

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