

Orlando, 0 sponsora sahip.


Hi there,

I'm Orlando Stoicescu and I'm the first demotivational trainer in the world, specialised in human develompment, persuasion and profiling. My goal is simple: for each 100 euros I receive / month me and my team will take a student or an underprivileged person from Romania (the country I live) and coach his / her ass of. We will make a scholarship on our website where people can apply and we will select the ones that we will work with. That means twice a month sessions that can take as many as 3 hours / session. What that means is that we are going through his / her profile and start the process of deconditioning so the trainee will learn how to make decisions and to have a very clear mind. The transformation people go through when they start learning what is their real process not the deconditioning one is incredible. We work with profiling tools that range from the well known and tested ones like MBTI to holistic ones like Human Design or Gene Keys.

To know that my intention is real you can contact me on my email: <> and also you can enter on my webpage with the facebook account: Also please add me as friend and we can talk via my personal facebook acount if you want:

If you donate 100 euros / month to us we will pick a student that will be funded only by you and we will keep you posted with the progress.

On our website will put pictures and record the progress of all of our trainees.

Help us awaken the young people of Romania, Orlando Stoicesc from Red Pill Training Team


Orlando 8 yıl önce katıldı.

Haftalık Gelir (Euro)

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