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I write about free technologies ¡and bread! in my blog in Spanish. I'm the author of Unconventional LaTeX, a different way to learn LaTeX (currently in Spanish but in the way of traslation), and Ogibero, where I share my own sourdough bread recipes in Basque.

Everything I write carries a free license as I believe knowledge belongs to one and every of us.

One day I'll create an technological athenaeum and will give back engineering to people.

Bağlantılı Hesaplar

Ondiz diğer platformlarda aşağıdaki hesaplara sahiptir:

Kod depoları

cursoLatex Favorilere eklemeler 68 3 yıl önce güncellendi

Un curso no convencional de Latex

ogibero Favorilere eklemeler 1 7 yıl önce güncellendi

Ogibero ore amaz altxatutako ogien errezetak partekatzeko web orri bat da


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