

Kwathula is a music project from Moldova in which we play meditative world music.

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Kwathula is a music project from Moldova in which we play meditative world music. Our music comes from our hearts and it is for touching the hearts of others. It is a music for relaxing and healing. Music to feel. The main instruments we use include hang drum, calebash, flute, and vocals.

Why on Liberapay

We believe in the Open Culture. When music, art, ideas are shared, and it is possible to freely develope and enhance, it will be a big gain for everyone. Because of that we made the step, to share our Music under the Creative Common.

Our believe, the one who will like our music, will also appreciate our music. And as street musicians, we expirienced the support of the people. We thank you for each contribution, you decide to make. It will let us go on in filling the world with music. And each time we produce a new album, the older one will become part of the Creative Common.

Our Work

Dance of Silence (2015) - As ONE (2016) - Feel Breath (2017)

Watch our Youtube Channel, and connect on Facebook, and Instagram, our music you find on Bandcamp.


Du O Van - hang
MiShanti - calebas, percussion
AnShu - vocals, flute, jew`s harp

KaPa - didjeridoo (temporarily taking leave of absence from band performances)

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