Open Source Design Connecting open source & design! 🎨

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Open source design & community management

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Topluluk bültenleri neler olup bittiği ve hangi projelerin desteğe ihtiyacı olduğu konusunda bilgi sahibi olmanıza yardımcı olacaktır. Henüz çalışır durumda değiller ama şimdiden abone olabilirsiniz.

1 abone

Open Source Design is a community of designers and developers pushing more open design processes and improving the user experience and interface design of open source software.

We provide resources, list jobs, put on events, and present talks targeted at developers and designers interested in working and designing in Open Source. This includes Open Source Design rooms at conferences such as FOSDEM and FOSSASIA, lots of jobs referred for big and small open source projects, and collaboration with design universities to mentor students to work on open source software.