

Xasha_Xanders, her hafta €0,00 tutarında bağışı 0 sponsordan alıyor.
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Hello & welcome to my profile :)

Who am i ?

My clients & followers know me as Madame Corbeau or Alexandra. I offer a symbolist, introspective & non-mystical version of astrology & tarot -- i.e. that essentially aim to better know & understand oneself & others, propose a reflection on individual integration into the world, and stand by themselves free from any religious or spiritual dogma.

As a business owner, not only do i perform the astrology/tarot related tasks of my project -- consultations & courses --, but i'm also in charge of the communication/writing/translation part, paperwork, bookkeeping, etc.

As a former Literature student & a writer since childhood, i've plans to complete articles, essays & books on astrology, philosophy & psychology. Of course, i also have ideas for fiction : but as of now, i still treat them as side-projects to the development of my business.

What will i do with your donations ?

I will use them to :

  • Buy new material in order to improve my performances (replace my wooden computer for a more contemporary model, a webcam & headset to perform remote consultations & courses, tarot decks to test & present on Instagram, ... )
  • Rent an office or conference room in a coworking space for consultations & courses
  • Funding my business trips out of Paris or France to meet my remote clients
  • Funding the writing & publishing/self-publishing of my books
  • Meeting my needs (because i work best when alive & sheltered XD)
  • Eventually, maybe fund a training in anthropology in order to keep deepening my knowledge & understanding of humanity & its history, and putting into better perspective my reflections on the matter & my practise of astrology
  • Eventually, maybe hire people to whom i could delegate the paperwork & bookkeeping activities

Rest assured that i am truly grateful in advance for your kind support, no matter how punctual or recurring, big or small it may be : thank you !



Xasha_Xanders 2 yıl önce katıldı.

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